Make the connection from catch basin to drain pipe with the outlet adapter. Works with 9, 12, 18, and 24 in. catch basins to connect the basin outlet opening to a variety of pipe sizes and types; plug seals off unused openings.
Key Features
Outlet adapter works with the catch basin outlet opening to accommodate pipe connection
Provides a secure, soil-tight connection to drain pipe--no tape or glue required
Made to fit keyed opening in catch basin and locks in place
Connect a S&D elbow to the internal spigot to adjust the invert height within the basin to prevent floating grease from existing the basin
NDS offers a variety of outlet adapters; choose the appropriate adapter to fit the catch basin and drain pipe
Use outlet adapter to connect the catch basin drain or low-profile adapter to drain pipe as part of a complete drainage system
Use outlet plug to seal off an unused catch basin opening
As part of a complete drainage system, the outlet adapter works with the catch basin and grate to convey stormwater to drain pipe for proper release downstream
Installation & Maintenance
Lightweight and easy to install
Works underground with the catch basin to capture excess stormwater from the surface and convey to drain pipe
Materials & Sustainability
Outlet adapters, reducer rings, and plug are made of high-impact polystyrene (HIPS) treated with UV inhibitors
Outlet adapters, reducer rings, and plug are made in the USA