What is the maximum number of Flo-Wells that can be stacked?
What is the maximum number of Flo-Wells that can be stacked?
What is the maximum number of Flo-Wells that can be stacked?
It is not recommended to stack more than 4 Flo-Wells on top of each other. The Flo-Well bottom will need to be inserted into the bottom chamber when stacking multiple Flo-Wells. It is also recommended that a center pipe be connected to the cover and bottom to act as a center support column helping to stabilize the system.
Flo-Well FAQs
- How much water can each Flo-Well hold?
- How many Flo-Wells do I need?
- What parts come in the Flo-Well box?
- Can multiple Flo-Wells be attached to the same drainage system?
- What is the maximum number of Flo-Wells that can be stacked?
- Is the Flo-Well bottom necessary?
- What is the Flo-Well load rating?
- How do I install the center support pipe?
- How many of the 1” drain holes should be removed?
- What material should be used to backfill around the Flo-Well?
- Do I need the fabric wrap?
- How much drain rock do I need?
- How much distance should there be between Flo-Wells?
- Is an overflow necessary?
- Can I connect my washing machine to a Flo-Well?
- How do I install the Surface Drain Inlet with Grate (FWSD69) if my Flo-Well is more than 8” below the surface?