By NORMA Group

By NORMA Group

NDS Micro Channel Drains in pool application

Micro Channel Drains

Ideal for light flows, this effective solution comes as one integrated part, and channel sections snap together for a fast and easy install. Recessed grate openings facilitate runoff capture.

Unassembled Micro Channel™ Drain & Integrated Grate, 1-1/4 in. wide X 5 ft. long, Gray Plastic, with Coupling (NDS 8003, NDS 8481) for draining small flows of stormwater

Key Features

  • Micro Channel Drain and grate are one integrated piece; modular design makes it easy to customize layout
  • Sleek, narrow 1-1/4 in.-wide channel design features recessed grate and grate openings parallel to channel length
  • Micro Channel Drain with integrated grate are available in a variety of colors
  • Micro Channel Drain and integrated Grate made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 
  • Treated with UV inhibitors to prevent fading and cracking


  • Captures light flows of surface water from pool and spa decks, concrete and paver patios, and walkways

  • Channel drains and trench drains are ideal for hardscapes to prevent mildew growth, concrete staining, and costly damage by capturing and conveying excess water for proper release downstream

  • The Micro Channel Drain and grate, as part of a complete drainage system, captures excess surface water and directs water away to connected drain pipes for proper release downstream or to an infiltration device

Installation & Maintenance

  • Micro Channel Drains connect together with couplings; create a water-tight connection using solvent-weld PVC glue

  • For cleaning and maintenance, install with Micro Channel cleanouts featuring removable tops along the length of the drain for access inside the Micro Channel Drain system

Materials & Sustainability

  • Channels and grates are made in the USA

  • Onsite stormwater management protects the watershed downstream, and limits excess runoff which can lead to negative impacts such as erosion, pollution, and flooding

Product Models

Part Number
8001Micro Channel™ Drain and Integrated Grate, 1-1/4 in. wide X 10 ft. long, White Plastic, with Coupling
8002Micro Channel™ Drain and Integrated Grate, 1-1/4 in. wide x 10 ft. long, Sand Plastic, with Coupling
8003Micro Channel™ Drain and Integrated Grate, 1-1/4 in. wide x 10 ft. long, Gray Plastic, with Coupling
8301Micro Channel™ Drain 45° Elbow and Integrated Grate, White Plastic
8302Micro Channel™ Drain 45° Elbow and Integrated Grate, Sand Plastic
8303Micro Channel™ Drain 45° Elbow and Integrated Grate, Gray Plastic
8371Micro Channel™ Drain Tee and Integrated Grate, White Plastic
8372Micro Channel™ Drain Tee and Integrated Grate, Sand Plastic
8373Micro Channel™ Drain Tee and Integrated Grate, Gray Plastic

Part Number
8461Micro Channel™ Drain End Outlet, Connects to 1-1/4 in. and 1-1/2 in. Drain Pipes, White Plastic
8462Micro Channel™ Drain End Outlet, Connects to 1-1/4 in. and 1-1/2 in. Drain Pipes, Sand Plastic
8463Micro Channel™ Drain End Outlet, Connects to 1-1/4 in. and 1-1/2 in. Drain Pipes, Gray Plastic
8472Micro Channel™ Drain End Plug, Sand Plastic
8473Micro Channel™ Drain End Plug, Gray Plastic
8471Micro Channel™ Drain End Plug, White Plastic
8481Micro Channel™ Drain Coupling
8502Micro Channel™ Drain with Bottom Outlet, 1-1/4 in. X 7 in., Connects to 1-1/4 and 1-1/2 in. Drain Pipes, Sand Plastic
8503Micro Channel™ Drain with Bottom Outlet, 1-1/4 in. X 7 in., Connects to 1-1/4 and 1-1/2 in. Drain Pipes, Gray Plastic
8501Micro Channel™ Drain with Bottom Outlet, 1-1/4 in. X 7 in., Connects to 1-1/4 and 1-1/2 in. Drain Pipes, White Plastic
8511Micro Channel™ Drain and Integrated Grate Side Outlet, Connects to 1-1/4 and 1-1/2 in. Drain Pipes, White Plastic
8512Micro Channel™ Drain and Integrated Grate Side Outlet, Connects to 1-1/4 and 1-1/2 in. Drain Pipes, Sand Plastic
8513Micro Channel™ Drain and Integrated Grate Side Outlet, Connects to 1-1/4 and 1-1/2 in. Drain Pipes, Gray Plastic
8601Micro Channel™ Drain Hold-Down Clips for Channel Stakes
8651Micro Channel™ Drain Cleanout, Removable Top, White Plastic
8652Micro Channel™ Drain Cleanout, Removable Top, Sand Plastic
8653Micro Channel™ Drain Cleanout, Removable Top, Gray Plastic

Literature & Resources


NDS MicroTM Channel Drain System Accessories Tech Spec

application/pdf | 2 MB

NDS Micro™ Channel Drains & Grates System Tech Spec

application/pdf | 861 KB

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